Yat Muk Studio’s Chinese name is inspired by the meaning, “a lifetime of woodwork”, and creating furniture that lasts a lifetime is the studio’s vision. Founded by Ken Chow, the studio is dedicated to exploring and researching Hong Kong’s local heritage of woodwork, seeking to redefine true craftsmanship as opposed to wood engineering in general.
Ken Chow is a passionate woodworker. Having chosen to devote his career life to carpentry and perfect his craft through experimentation and innovation, Chow completed many apprenticeships and finally founded Yat Muk Studio to practise, research and teach joinery full-time. This cabinet, called The Joint Palette, was custom-made for the exhibition in response to the fast culture economy which dominates our workforce. The four drawers feature delicate joints created through different methods and compositions, ranging from traditional to contemporary. To Chow, carpentry is a soul-searching and meditative experience. The culmination of Chow’s research of Hong Kong’s woodworking traditions and his craftsmanship show how an experienced master makes judicious use of tools, skills and raw materials, as well as the strength and beauty of wood.