Stickyline was founded in 2011 by Mic Leong and Soilworm Lai. Focusing on paper engineering and structural development, the creative duo transform two-dimensional planes into three-dimensional forms through deconstruction and reconstruction. By folding and creasing, Stickyline has created unique works as installation art, sculptures, stage designs, window displays and more.
Stickyline is a studio that focuses on paper engineering and structure development by folding and creasing materials. In the shape of a truncated cone, this 3.6-metre-tall tower made with paper latticework modules is co-created by Stickyline and members of the community where the work is exhibited. Embedded with lighting to illuminate the piece and its surroundings from the inside, the tower is supported by a base, which is an extension of the paper modules and radiates outward to cover part of the floor. The creative pair Soilworm Lai and Mic Leong see Blooming as both a tribute to and an allegory for industrial design in Hong Kong. The origin of industrial design in this former British colony can be traced back to small-scale, homegrown cottage industries, where a significant amount of labour was involved in handicrafts. Early successes in Hong Kong’s post-war light industry were characterised by practical, often no-frills design, and efficient, intricate handiwork. In recent years, the practice of combining design and craft has resurged and led to many co-creation and social innovation projects. Blooming is one such project that brings people together. It is a structural and sculptural piece that celebrates the shared ingenuity of design and handicraft.